How do I export my data for use with other software?

Banktivity allows you to save the data from your accounts to a file so that you can share it with other programs. You may need to send your financial data to an accountant, for example, or import your spending information into a tax preparation program. Banktivity allows you to export data in three formats: Quicken Interchange Format (QIF), for use with Quicken and most other financial applications, Tax Exchange Format (TXF), for use with TurboTax and other tax preparation applications, and Comma Separated Values (CSV), for use with Excel and other spreadsheet applications.

Export to QIF

Open the Banktivity document you want to export and choose File > Export To > Quicken Format (QIF). Enter the starting and ending date for the data you want to export. All transactions that fall within the range you specify will be included in the QIF file. By default, the starting and ending dates are set to include all transactions in the document. To adjust the range, type in new dates or click a date and press the down arrow key to show a popup calendar. Click "Continue" to proceed.

On the next screen, check off the accounts you want to include in the QIF file. Once you have chosen which accounts to include, click "Continue" to proceed. Banktivity will prompt you to enter a name for the QIF file and choose the location where it should be saved. If you want Banktivity to redact all payees, notes, and split memos for privacy, check the box next to "Protect sensitive information." Click "Export" to complete the export process.

The QIF format does not support currency information, so if you choose accounts that use different currencies, Banktivity cannot export them into the same file. Instead, Banktivity will create multiple QIF files, one for each currency.

Export to TXF

Open the Banktivity document you want to export and choose File > Export To > Tax Format (TXF). Choose which tax year you want to export data from, then click "Continue" to proceed.

On the next screen, check off the accounts you want to include in the TXF file and click "Continue," then check off the categories you want to export. Only categories you have designated as "Taxable" and assigned tax codes are displayed in the list, and all of these are selected by default. Uncheck any categories you do not want to include in the TXF file, then click "Continue" to proceed. Banktivity will prompt you to enter a name for the TXF file and choose the location where it should be saved. Click "Export" to complete the export process.

If you use multiple currencies, Banktivity will automatically convert all category totals to the macOS system currency. You can change your system currency by opening System Preferences, clicking the "Language & Region" button, clicking "Advanced," and using the "Currency" popup button. Be sure to update Banktivity's exchange rates before exporting your data to ensure that the latest conversions are applied.

Export to CSV


CSV transaction exports are limited to one account at a time. Open a Banktivity document, select an account, Command-click to select the transactions you want to export (or choose Edit > Select All), and choose File > Export Selected Transactions. Banktivity will prompt you to enter a name for the CSV file and choose the location where it should be saved. You can also choose whether the file uses commas (CSV) or tabs (Tab Delimited) to delineate the data within. Click "Save" to complete the export process.


The contents of any report can be exported to CSV as well. Open a report, then click "Export" in the navigation bar above the report. Banktivity will prompt you to enter a name for the CSV file and choose the location where it should be saved. You can also choose whether the file uses commas (CSV) or tabs (Tab Delimited) to delineate the data within. Click "Save" to complete the export process.