What are subscriptions all about?
Banktivity offers a number of different tiers and price points. You can learn more about our subscription and tiers here.
How do I start my subscription?
When opening Banktivity for the first time you will see a “Welcome to Banktivity” page asking if you are new to Banktivity or if you have used Banktivity before. If you are new to Banktivity you will be prompted to choose a Banktivity ID and create a Banktivity ID account. Most people use their email address as their Banktivity ID (Note, we recommend using a personal email address instead of a work email address in case you change jobs and no longer have access to the old work email address). Next, you will need to enter your name, email, password and a security question and answer for your Banktivity ID account. When finished click “Create Banktivity ID”. Then you will be prompted to verify your email. Please check your email and look for an email with “Verify your Banktivity ID Email” as the subject - if the email does not appear in your inbox, please also check your junk/spam folders. Open the “Verify your Banktivity ID Email” email and click on the link within the email to verify your Banktivity ID account. After clicking on the link from your email, go back to Banktivity and click “Continue” or "Done"
On the “Let’s get started” page select if you would like to “Start Fresh” or “Import from Other Software”. If you choose “Start Fresh” you will next be asked if you plan on using Banktivity for home or business. You will need to choose home or business, you cannot choose both. This choice will determine the default categories added for you in Banktivity. After making your selection click “Continue”.
On the “Banktivity is Better” page you will see information about your privacy. Banktivity doesn’t share or sell your financial data to third parties. We strongly believe your finances are your own business and at the is why your data always lives on-device. After clicking “Continue” you will be asked what kind of accounts and/or assets you have. Make the appropriate selections, followed by clicking “Continue”. Then you will be asked if you have accounts in more than one currency, choose yes or no there and click “Continue”.
On the “Start your 30 day free trial” page a recommended subscription tier will be pre-selected for you based on the answers you have provided. But you can select any subscription tier you like. After making your selection, click “Continue” or "OK"
Next, you will either be asked to confirm your subscription using your Apple ID or you will need to enter your name and credit card information to start the trial depending on where you downloaded the software from. Note, your card will not be charged for 30 days. If you don’t cancel your trial, you will be charged for the subscription you chose after 30 days. After entering your name and credit card information click “Start Trial”. Then you should see a “Success” page informing you your subscription is set up, please click “Continue” there to get started adding your accounts in Banktivity.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Cancelling on Mac
If you would like to cancel your subscription go to File> Subscription> View My Subscription. Click “Manage” in the upper-right. Then click on the text that says “Cancel” below your Banktivity subscription plan (do not click on the “Cancel” button in the lower-left).
Cancelling on iOS
From the summary page, click on the settings icon on the top right of your screen
. You can then choose Subscription
from the settings list. This will open the subscription info page, allowing you to choose to cancel.
What happens if I cancel my subscription?
Your data remains yours, stored on your local device. You’ll still be able to view it and from a Mac you can export it. However, to continue editing or adding new accounts, transactions, and other data, you’ll need an active subscription.
How can I delete my Banktivity ID account?
If you would like to delete your Banktivity ID account you can do so by going to the following page on our website: