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What's New in Banktivity 9

Requirements: macOS Catalina or higher, iOS 15 or higher.

We've implemented our customers' most requested features

Here are the biggest and best features we've implemented for Banktivity 9. If you want to see the details of very release, check out our full release notes.

Remove Historical Data

Archive the old, keep the new.

Whether you have a bloated document with decades of financial data, or you just want to "start fresh" each year, this new feature will keep your data lean and mean. When you use this feature you'll be asked to provide a "cut-off date". All data before that date will be removed (and optionally saved off into a separate document for historical references) and the app will do the smarts and carry forward just the relevant data from the cut-off date. Banktivity will even preserve your cost basis if you own securities or other investments.

Reports on iOS

You've never seen reports like this.

Income and Expense, Net Worth, Payee and more are now available on iOS. We also put in handoff support so you can easily move from Mac to your iOS device and vice versa. Please note, not all report types are available on iOS, yet.

Interface Scaling

See it to your liking.

Income and Expense, Net Worth, Payee, Forecast, and more are now available on iOS. We also put in handoff support so you can easily move from Mac to your iOS device and vice versa. Please note, not all report types are available on iOS.

Single-line Register

Highly requested feature!

This was one of our most requested features and we are happy to finally deliver an option for this. You can toggle between the "simplified register" and the regular register via the hot keys shift-command-\ or go to the View menu. When you edit a transaction you'll still get the standard editor that allows you to see and edit all of the data associated with the transaction.

New Budget UI

We refreshed the budget view so you can more easily see how much you've overspent (or underspent!) and we now show the difference between budgeted and actual. Our gradient bars indicate with proper shading if you are overspent, but might still come within budget for the month, or if you have overspent completely.

If you use envelope budgeting you can see target amounts and how much to refill right now to make sure you cover the future expenses.

So much more!

Better Bank Connections

We've added support to connect to your bank with Plaid. Plaid offers connections in the United States and Canada and is a great alternative to our Yodlee support.

Improved Scheduled Transactions

Create scheduled transactions for complex recurring dates like, "the last Wednesday of the month." You can also now properly end a scheduled transaction.

Currency Manager on iOS

Now on your iPad and iPhone you can properly manager your currencies, including setting a custom exchange rate.

Push Notifications

We now use push notifications to make cloud sync more robust.

More Goodies…

We added lots of other enhancements and we fixed many, many bugs.