How to fix an “Invalid Document ID” error in Banktivity for Mac using Cloud Sync

It is important that you follow the steps exactly as they are outlined below to ensure your document will be restored with the most current data.

If you are using Cloud Sync and see an “Invalid Document ID” error it means that you need to send an entirely new set of data back up to the server, and then set up Cloud sync again for all other devices. The rest of this article explains how to send up a fresh copy of your data and set up Cloud Sync again with new documents on your other devices.

Before sending up a fresh set of data, be sure you are on your device that you feel has the most up to date information. If possible, try to make sure Banktivity for Mac is in this state as it has the most complete set of data to send up.

Setting Up Fresh Cloud Sync From Mac:

On Mac
– Open your Banktivity document, go to File > Subscription > Sync Settings, and in the window that appears, click on Turn Off Syncing.

– Then, go back to File > Subscription > Sync Setup.

– Follow the on screen instructions to send up a fresh copy of your data (and be sure to choose a NEW & DIFFERENT cloud document name) to the Cloud Sync server (you’ll be asked to provide a cloud document name and password).

On other devices
– Create a new document
– Follow the onscreen instructions to set up cloud sync.
– Identify the cloud document you created in the step above and select it

Setting Up Fresh Cloud Sync from iOS:

On iOS Device
From within your document in Banktivity for iOS, tap on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen, then in the Settings window that appears, look for the words Sync Settings and tap on Cloud Sync.

On the next screen, tap on ‘Troubleshooting,’ then, tap on ‘Remove sync settings.’

Next, tap on the gear icon in the top right corner of the document again, look for the words Sync Settings and tap on Setup.

Then, choose a NEW & DIFFERENT cloud document name, and create and re-enter a new cloud document password, then, tap Continue.

Allow the upload of your data to finish successfully on its own.

On Mac
– Close all open documents
– Choose File> New Banktivity Document, click “Open Cloud Sync Document” and follow onscreen instructions to sync with the cloud document created in the step above

Once you have successfully pulled down a fresh set of data and you are syncing, you can delete your older document(s) that still show an “Invalid Document Id” error.