The recent debate about the rising level of student debt is a big cause for concern. Between the cost of tuition and other living related expenses, college will leave you with huge debts that will take you a long time to clear. Most parents are even preferring community college over universities as they also offer… Read More

Envelope Budgeting is easy ith Banktivity! Learn how to track your paycheck splits, and loan principle and interest.

Most people find the concept of envelope budgeting fairly intuitive. You put your money into various envelopes designated for various spending categories, like Rent, Groceries, Cell Phone, etc. When you spend from one of those categories, you take the money out of the appropriate envelope to cover the expense. This works if you have physical… Read More

Tips on How To Buy a New Car and Save Money at the same time!

Your car breaks down or you are in an accident. You need a new car.! You procrastinate as long as possible because of the hassle you are going to face entering a car dealership. The pressure of negotiating and making sure your are getting a fair price is so daunting. But you need a new… Read More

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies explained

This article was written for our Personal Finance 101 library by guest writer Brian Thomas.  Cryptocurrencies operate as decentralized digital assets exchanged over the internet in the form of highly divisible coins. Many cryptocurrencies are backed up by blockchain technology which records their transactions into distributed ledgers. Starting with Bitcoin in 2009 and growing into… Read More

Couples that budget together, stay together

Personal finances are one of the leading causes of stress in relationships. In fact, it is estimated that 70% of married couples argue about their money, or lack thereof[1]. Unfortunately, couples often feel at odds with one another rather than a sense of partnership when it comes to addressing financial problems. “You need to get… Read More